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Acne & Pimples/PCOS Polycystic Ovarian Diseases:

Acne & Pimples

White Heads: or closed comedowns.

When the sebaceous glands under the effect of androgens is producing more sebum and dead skin chokes the opening it get filled with sebum, which looks like a white Head.

Black Head:

When the oil in white head is oxidized it becomes black head. So blackhead is not because of dirt but a oxidized oil.


These are small, solid, rounded bumps on the skin. They may be pink, tender and inflamed and indicates infection of sebaceous glands.


These are commonly called pimples. They are seen as red bumps full of pus, the pus is clearly visible on the top of bumps.


Larger papules embedded in the skin. They appear as painful solid lumps under the skin.


These are large painful pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin.


They appear as depressions much like, pits on the road due to fibrous bands that pull the base of the pit down into the skin.


  • Remove the cause, that should be the prime most factor.
  • Factors responsible
  • Poor diet
  • High dairy product consumption
  • Oral contraceptives
  • Steroid medication
  • Trauma and emotional stress
  • Overuse of cosmetics
  • Irritation from clothes
  • Harsh cleansers and soaps

4 steps to Manage

Step 1

Step 2

Moisturisers containing following ingredients may be helpful

Q: Why do it happens we always get a pimple just before a date or an important occasion?

Ans: Special events can stir up stress chemicals in the body, which can trigger the appearance of pimples. If that happens to you better you manage your stress levels. But if it already happened instead of going for the any cosmetic cream better to wash your face with salt water. And don’t rinse off salt water for at least 30 minutes. It will work like magic. But be sure that you don’t have any cuts or breaks or it may cause burning.

Now comes the real treatment topical creams treat the surface symptoms such as bacterial infections, removing the excess sebum but remember these are not the real cause of acne.

The real cause of acne is during the puberty a surge of hormones such as androgenic hormone occur. Boys and girls both have androgens such as testosterone, boys have more than girls.

These androgens tell your sebaceous glands how much oil to secrete and too many hormones give too many signals to secrete more oil, more oil” so sebaceous gland grow more to follow the command of more oil. So more oil mixes with your dead skin and bacteria and this blocks the pores.

These hormones as I told earlier also are a special set of chemicals that runs the real show. Hormones dictate our growth cycle, development of sex organs in males and females, sleep cycles and muscle production and how much fat you store or burn up. Hormones control our muscle mass, skeletal mass so hormones are not our enemies but a necessity in our survival.

But if that’s the case why not every teenager has the same kind of acne?

Absolutely, right? When a teenager body is overflowing with androgenic rush, their livers should quickly deactivate and remove the excess hormone from the system and nullify the secondary effect of more oil secretion in sebaceous glands. Now if your diet and lifestyle has already overloaded the liver and too much of toxins are already running in your system then you are bound to have severe burst of acne.

But adults also have acne problems?
Yes, they have the system is same, the detoxification is the key. First the hormonal analysis the body’s analysis, circulating fats and hormones would give your doctor a fair idea of chemical imbalance and a change is required according to the precipitating factors only then the permanent solution can be found out.

Liver detoxification is a must in for the treatment of acne. The diet must have enough of right nutrients for carrying out the detoxification process properly. There are several key nutrients needed to safely remove androgenic hormones from the system. They are EFA’s (esp. omega 3, DHA/EPA), Zinc, Mg, Vit. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Biotin, folic acid, B12, and calcium saccharate.

Step 3

Control your oil production, The main control is hormones but who controls the hormones it is prostaglandins.
Prostaglandins are like project managers that may be good or bad. If I have more good prostaglandins then I am in a better control of my hormones also, but a bad manger that is bad prostaglandins may lead to overproduction of hormones and may lead to excess acne. Good food choices, following a healthy lifestyle and low stress levels will boost the good prostaglandins in the body and may help in keeping the skin healthy and scar free.

There are herbs that may help in detoxifying the liver and help in secretion of good prostaglandins. But that cannot be taken without the consultation of your doctor. So cannot be shared on this stage for OTC purchase.

Step 4

Any of the more than 3 symptoms are indicative of zinc deficiency in the body. A zinc taste test is fairly good indicator of checking the zinc deficiency in the body.

Medicinal Herbs that help:

Following Herbs helps in reducing the problem.
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